Brother André Melli Becomes Citizen

Brother André Melli, O.S.B., a monk of Saint Vincent Archabbey since 1993, and a native of Vinhedo, São Paulo, Brazil, became an American citizen on February 16, 2024. Brother André professed solemn vows in 1998 at São Bento Monastery in Vinhedo, which has been a dependent priory of Saint Vincent Archabbey since 1964. Brother André […]

Brother Miguel de Andrade, O.S.B., Professes Solemn Vows In Vinhedo

Brother Miguel (Fernando) P. de Andrade, O.S.B., professed solemn vows, or vows for life, on December 8, 2023, the solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary at São Bento Priory in Vinhedo, Brazil, before Archabbot Martin de Porres Bartel, O.S.B. During the solemn profession, the archabbot presents the monk with a copy of the Rule of […]

Saint Mark Ornament 28th In Series Featuring Basilica

Archabbey Publications has released the 28th ornament in the series featuring aspects of the Archabbey Basilica and its environs. The ornament for 2023 features Saint Mark, Evangelist, and is the second in a series featuring the four evangelists taken from frescoes above the altar of the Basilica. As is traditional in all churches in Romanesque […]

Oblate Programming for 2024 Includes Bishop Kulick Talk

The Oblates of Saint Benedict of Saint Vincent Archabbey have announced the 2024 schedule of talks on Benedictine spirituality. The talks are generally at 3 p.m. on the third Sunday of every month in the Brownfield Center, the building behind and adjacent to the Saint Vincent Basilica Parish Assembly Room. They are free to Oblates […]

2024 Retreats Include Spiritual Wellness Days, European Pilgrimages, Traditional Offerings

The Saint Vincent Archabbey Retreat Program has released its schedule of retreats for 2024. The schedule, with new and expanded offerings, includes a four-part one-day series on spiritual wellness, with the theme of anger; four three-day weekend retreats at the Archabbey; one four-day weekend retreat for men at Raccoon Creek State Park and two international […]

Father Cyprian G. Constantine, O.S.B.

Father Cyprian Constantine, O.S.B., 74, a monk of Saint Vincent Archabbey for 48 years, died Sunday, November 12, 2023 after a short illness. A native of Boulder, Colorado, he began the study of piano and violin at an early age, and was locally, regionally, and nationally-known as an organist. Additionally, he was an assistant professor […]

Saint Vincent Archabbey Statement On Closure Of Saint Benedict Parish, Baltimore

LATROBE, PENNSYLVANIA—On Thursday, October 12, 2023, the Archdiocese of Baltimore and Saint Vincent Archabbey were made aware of a settlement that had been entered into by Benedictine Father Paschal Morlino in 2018. The settlement agreement was with an adult—now deceased—who claimed that Father Morlino engaged in improper employment practices with him and alleged an act […]

Latrobe Native To Give Blue Mass Address At Saint Vincent November 5

A 2014 Saint Vincent College alumnus and Latrobe native who is now a Pennsylvania state trooper will give the Blue Mass address at 9:30 a.m. Sunday, November 5 at Saint Vincent Archabbey Basilica. Marie Elizabeth Baltimore, daughter of Jeffrey J. and Sandra L. Regula, she has been a trooper for eight and a half years, […]

2023 Red Mass Address

HOMILY OF MOST REV. BERNARD HEBDA ARCHBISHOP OF SAINT PAUL AND MINNEAPOLIS THE 2023 RED MASS SEPTEMBER 29, 2023 SAINT VINCENT ARCHABBEY BASILICA How wonderful to be here. Allow me to begin by thanking Bishop Kulick and Archabbot Martin and the leaders of the Saint Thomas More Society for the kind invitation to be with […]

Dr. Paula Kane To Give Pope Benedict XVI Lecture September 27

Dr. Paula M. Kane, who holds the John and Lucine O’Brien Marous Chair in Catholic Studies in the Department of Religious Studies at the University of Pittsburgh, will give the Pope Benedict XVI Lecture at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, September 27 at the Fred Rogers Center at Saint Vincent College. Her topic will be “Does Data […]

New Novice At Wimmer Priory

Brother Paul Chang was received into the novitiate at Wimmer Priory at morning prayer on July 10, 2023. Presenting him with the Holy Rule is Father Prior Augustine Yang, O.S.B. Below are the members of the community at Wimmer Priory with Brother Paul, center, from left, Father Andrew Kim, O.S.B., Father David Ho, O.S.B., Father […]

Archbishop Hebda To Give Address At Red Mass September 29

Most Rev. Bernard Hebda will be the principal celebrant and homilist at the Fifty-Fourth Annual Red Mass sponsored by The Diocese of Greensburg, The Saint Thomas More Society, and Saint Vincent Archabbey, College and Seminary at noon Friday, September 29, in the Saint Vincent Archabbey Basilica. Archbishop Hebda was named Archbishop of Saint Paul and […]

New Book By Father Boniface Hicks Has Arrived

The latest book by Father Boniface Hicks, O.S.B., a monk of Saint Vincent Archabbey, Latrobe, is a 33-day preparation for total consecration to Jesus. Entitled The Fruit of Her Womb, and published by The Sophia Institute Press, the book is available through Archabbey Publications,, and retails for $18.95. Saint Louis de Montfort inspired a […]

Fall 2023 Come And See

The Saint Vincent Archabbey Vocation Office is sponsoring a fall “Come and See” retreat October 13 to 15, 2023 for single men interested in pursuing a life as a Benedictine monk. For additional information contact the vocation office at 724-532-6655 or email The vocation website is

Deacon Ordination August 12

Brother Romuald Duchene, O.S.B., will be ordained to the diaconate at 10 a.m. Saturday, August 12, by Most Rev. Larry J. Kulick, Bishop of the Diocese of Greensburg, in the Archabbey Basilica. Brother Romuald professed solemn vows as a Benedictine monk on July 11, 2023 before Archabbot Martin de Porres Bartel, O.S.B. Brother Romuald came […]

Father Meinrad Lawson, O.S.B.

Father Meinrad Lawson, O.S.B., 83, a monk of Saint Vincent Archabbey, died Sunday, July 16, 2023 at UPMC Mercy. Father Meinrad was born in Erie and came to Saint Vincent as a college student. He served in many areas, but more recently at Saint Marys Parish in St. Marys, Saint Vincent Basilica Parish in Latrobe, […]

Three Monks To Make Solemn Vows July 11

Three Benedictines will profess solemn vows, or vows for life on July 11, 2023, before Archabbot Martin de Porres Bartel, O.S.B. They are Brother Sean Cooksey, O.S.B., of Pittsburgh, Brother Francisco Whittaker, O.S.B., from Grove City, and Brother Romuald Duchene, O.S.B., of St. Paul, Minnesota. SEAN COOKSEY, O.S.B. Brother Sean Cooksey is the son of […]

Novice To Make First Vows

Brother John Fisher Helms, O.S.B., of New Orleans, Louisiana, who completed a year in the novitiate, will profess his first vows on July 10, 2023. Brother John Fisher studied photography along with television, radio, and film production at Calhoun College. He has worked for both NBC and Fox Networks along with EWTN and Catholic TV, […]

Monks Magazine Wins Twelfth Award

Saint Vincent Monks, the magazine of Saint Vincent Archabbey, received a second place Catholic Media Association Award in 2023 for Magazine/Newsletter of the Year: Religious Order Magazines and Print Newsletters. This is the tenth consecutive year in which the magazine has received CMA honors and the twelfth award for the magazine. Kim Metzgar, managing director […]

Priesthood Ordination For Two Monks On June 10

Two Benedictines will be ordained to the priesthood on Saturday, June 10 by Most Rev. Larry J. Kulick, J.C.L., Bishop of the Diocese of Greensburg in the Saint Vincent Archabbey Basilica. The monks are Brother Celestine Xu, O.S.B., of Shanghai, and Brother Gregory Visca, O.S.B., of Valrico, Florida. CELESTINE XU, O.S.B. Brother Celestine was born […]