Sunday Homilies
Lectionary 63 We are told in Acts that on Pentecost the Apostles and Disciples were gathered in the upper room. The same upper room were
Sixth Sunday of Easter
John 15: 9–17 Gospel Summary This gospel passage is filled with beautiful statements about the ever-popular subject of love. Jesus tells us that the Father
Fifth Sunday of Easter
John 15: 1–8 Gospel Summary In this passage from the Last Supper Discourse (John 13: 31–17: 26), Jesus reveals to his disciples and to us
Fourth Sunday of Easter
Lectionary #50 During the Easter season we rejoice with deep emotion as we contemplate and give thanks for the most precious gift that God has
Third Sunday of Easter
Gospel, Luke 24; 35 – 48 The Alleluias continue to ring out as we are still at the early part of this Easter Season. The
Second Sunday of Easter
John 20: 19–31 Gospel Summary The first thing that we notice in today’s gospel is the amazing effect that the presence and words of Jesus
Easter Sunday
John 20: 1–9 Gospel Summary John’s gospel ends as it began, with the question: where does Jesus dwell? Immediately after his baptism by John the
The Easter Vigil
Lectionary 41 The Easter Vigil mass is the greatest liturgy of the year and is both the culmination of and the point of departure for
Palm Sunday
Gospel, Mk 14:1 – 15;47 The Passion Reading for Palm Sunday is a three-year rotation of Matthew’s, Mark’s and Luke’s Gospel account of the Passion
Fifth Sunday of Lent
John 12: 20–33 Gospel Summary Some Greeks who had come to Jerusalem for the Passover feast say to Philip, “Sir, we would like to see
Fourth Sunday of Lent
John 3: 14–21 Gospel Summary In today’s gospel selection, Jesus continues his discussion with Nicodemus on the subject of baptism. It is important to note
Third Sunday of Lent
Third Sunday of Lent Gospel, John 2: 13–25 At first glance this Gospel could appear to be out of place for Lent. We began Lent
Second Sunday of Lent
Mark 9: 2–10 Gospel Summary Today’s gospel brings us a story about the illumination of Jesus on a mountaintop in the presence of his closest
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mark 1: 40–45 Gospel Summary This passage continues the narrative of Jesus’ mission immediately following his baptism in the Jordan and the call of the
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Lectionary 74 “Is not man’s life on earth a drudgery? My days … come to an end without hope” (Job 7:1, 6). At mass today
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Gospel, Mark 1:21-28 We hear of the town of Capernaum numerous times in the New Testament. It was a fishing village on the Sea of
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mark 1: 14–20 Gospel Summary Today’s gospel tells us that Jesus went to Galilee to begin his messianic ministry. We have become so accustomed to
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
John 1: 35–42 Gospel Summary John the Baptist, standing with two of his disciples, upon seeing Jesus exclaims, “Behold, the Lamb of God.” When Jesus
The Baptism of the Lord
Gospel, Mark 1:7-11 The Baptism of the Lord marks the end of the Christmas Season. In a few short weeks we have gone from the
The Epiphany of the Lord
Lectionary 20 The Epiphany of the Lord, the great solemnity when the Church remembers the figures of the three wise men from the east, marks