Holy Family, Sunday in the Octave of Christmas, Cycle A
December 29, 2013 Holy Family, Sunday in the Octave of Christmas, Cycle A Matthew 2:13–15, 19-23 Gospel Summary The gospel continues the story of the
December 29, 2013 Holy Family, Sunday in the Octave of Christmas, Cycle A Matthew 2:13–15, 19-23 Gospel Summary The gospel continues the story of the
December 22, 2013 Fourth Sunday of Advent, Cycle A Matthew 1: 18-24 Fourth Sunday of Advent Gospel Summary Having sketched the human provenance of Jesus
December 15, 2013 Third Sunday of Advent, Cycle A Matthew 11:2-11 Gospel Summary John the Baptist, in prison, sent his disciples to Jesus with the
December 8, 2013 Second Sunday of Advent, Cycle A Matthew 3:1-12 Gospel Summary: Today we hear once again the impatient voice of John the Baptist
December 1, 2013 First Sunday of Advent, Cycle A Matthew 24:37-44 Gospel Summary Jesus tells his disciples that they cannot know the day their Lord
Christ the King November 24, 2013 Luke 23:35-43 Gospel Summary After his arrest, Jesus has been accused before Pilate, the Roman governor, of being opposed
Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time November 17, 2013 Luke 21:5-19 Gospel Summary It has been traditional to reflect on an end-of-the-world gospel passage as we
Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time November 10, 2013 Luke 20:27-38 Gospel Summary Some Sadducees, denying belief in resurrection, pose a hypothetical question to Jesus about
Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time November 3, 2013 Luke 19:1-10 Gospel Summary Jesus has now arrived at Jericho and so his long journey to Jerusalem
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Luke 18:9-14 Gospel Summary Luke introduces the parable about a Pharisee and a tax collector with the statement that it
The Saint Vincent Gallery will present a special exhibition, Brother Cosmas Wolf, O.S.B.: Monk, Architect, Sculptor, Designer, from Friday, Nov. 1 to Thursday, Feb. 28.
Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Luke 18: 1-8 Gospel Summary The classic way to stay in touch with God is prayer. Small wonder then that
Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Luke 17:11-19 Gospel Summary Jesus, continuing his journey to Jerusalem, comes upon ten lepers, and from a distance hears their
Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle C Luke 17:5-10 Gospel Summary Luke is still leading us toward Jerusalem, the place where we turn everything over
September 29, 2013 Luke 16:19-31 Gospel Summary Today’s gospel passage contains Jesus’ story about a rich man who dined sumptuously each day and Lazarus, a
September 22, 2013 Luke 16:1-13 Gospel Summary In order to appreciate fully the import of today’s gospel text, which gives us the parable of the
September 15, 2013 Luke 15:1-32 Gospel Summary The Pharisees and scribes are complaining that Jesus is a companion of tax collectors and sinners: “This man
September 8, 2013 Luke 14:25-33 Gospel Summary Luke was a native of the ancient city of Antioch in Syria. This was a major trading center
September 1, 2013 Luke 14: 1, 7-14 Gospel Summary Jesus is having dinner at the home of one of the leading Pharisees, and people are
August 25, 2013 Luke 13:22-30 Gospel Summary Luke reminds us once again that we are on the “way to Jerusalem” with Jesus. This means that
Saint Vincent Archabbey
300 Fraser Purchase Rd
Latrobe, PA 15650
(724) 539-9761