When a man is called to the service of God as a Benedictine monk, he resolves to unite himself more closely to Him through the bond of solemn profession; to undertake a life of perfect chastity, obedience and poverty; to strive for the perfect love of God and of neighbor, living the Gospel and keeping the Rule of Saint Benedict.
The monk, during solemn profession, resolves to spend his life in the service of Christ, service to his brothers in the community; service to all of God’s people, especially the poor and guests; and to live for God alone in common prayer and daily work, in silence and community living, and in reflection on God’s Word.
These men freely accept the challenge of following God’s call by living out each day their vows of obedience, conversion of life and of stability. By their profession of stability to our community they commit themselves to that presence. They are here for us. And we are here for them. The community, all of us, walks with them, both in their accomplishments and in their struggles. With us their successes are magnified and their challenges diminished. We travel that road with them together as one.
Our life in community, our vows to strive for the love of God and neighbor, our work to serve all of God’s people, are reflected in the many apostolates of Saint Vincent Archabbey, ranging from serving in a parish setting, working with students at Saint Vincent College and Seminary, serving in one of our priories in Brazil or Taiwan, or in Baltimore, Virginia Beach or Savannah, where we also live lives of ora et labora, prayer and work.
Welcome to our online presence. Here, in this virtual world, we hope to share our work, our ministries, and our life in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As our founder Boniface Wimmer once wrote, “Let us meet each other there, under the cross. There is little time, though we must always take courage, gather fresh hope, and have confidence that is firm as a rock.”
Archabbot Martin de Porres Bartel, O.S.B.