

Wednesday of the Twenty-ninth Week in Ordinary Time

Eph 3:2-12; Isaiah 12:2,3,4bcd,5,6; Lk 12:39-48:  Saint Paul is his glorious achievement.  Everyone who is bold of speech and confident of access through faith in Christ is his glorious achievement.  We are his glorious achievement when we live lives of vigilant servants.  God, himself is our savior, and we are confident and unafraid.  Like Isaiah and all the prophets of old we have strength and courage in the LORD.  Like Isaiah and all who share in the prophetic, priestly and royal identity of the Lord Jesus by baptism and confirmation, we draw water at the fountain of salvation.  We draw the living and pure water of the Holy Spirit from the depths of this fountain of salvation.  We give thanks here and at every Eucharist and acclaim the Name of our Savior.  We make know his deeds among all the nations, and we proclaim how exalted is his name.  We live and move and have our being in the New Zion, the Body of Christ. From this stronghold we shout with exultation for great in our midst is the Holy One of Israel.  Great in our midst is the One for whom we wait.  Great in our midst is the mystery of Christ, and we are copartners in the promise of Christ Jesus.  Much is required of us who are his glorious achievement and more will be required.  Even in this Liturgy we have but a glimpse of the glory the Master has in store for his vigilant servants

 Like Saint Paul we stand in awe and wonder at the mystery made know to us by revelation, the mystery of Christ.  This mystery was not made know to the human race in other generations, but it was made know to Saint Paul and his generation of apostles and prophets by the Holy Spirit.  This glorious achievement of the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ is that the Jews and Gentiles are coheirs, members of the same Body and copartners in the promise of the Gospel.  Saint Paul was delighted to be a minister of this gift of grace, and we are exalted to be a servants of this power of God in Christ.  Saint Paul did not hesitate to preach this good news to the Gentiles, the inscrutable riches of Christ and the light of God’s plan in Christ now made known through the Church to the principalities and authorities in the heavens. Indeed, this is the glorious achievement that the Prophet Isaiah proclaimed and the eternal purpose that Saint Paul preached.  Indeed, this is the boldness of our witness today, and this is the confidence of access we have through faith in Christ, Our Lord and Savior.  While we wait in joyful hope for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, we also spend ourselves in giving our witness to the glorious achievement of God’s grace in Christ, through the Holy Spirit, and for the glory of the Father.  This witness we live out in our unity in the Church, the glorious achievement of our God.

Why Saint Peter?  Why does he have to ask such a question: “Do you intend this parable for us, Lord, or do you mean it for the whole world?”   Perhaps, it’s because he already has an important leadership position among the disciples.  Perhaps, it’s because he should have known better.  Of course it’s going to be more difficult for you, Peter, and for everyone like you, to be a prudent and faithful steward distributing the food at the proper time.  So many other issues will demand your attention that having wisdom to nourish and sustain all the other servants will sometimes seem an impossible task, an insurmountable burden.  Indeed, sometimes the task will give rise to the temptation to excuse oneself from the demands of office or even to excuse oneself from the ongoing task of growth in virtue.  Being so busy is easily an excuse for short sightedness, snap judgments, and even lack of compassion.  However, as the Lord Jesus announces, “Much will be required of the person entrusted with much, and still more will be demanded of the person entrusted with more.” You, Peter, are chosen to follow, and you are sent forth with power and authority.  Peter, you have glimpsed my glory on the mountain, and you have seen great signs and wonders.  To you, much and more are given.  I do expect you to be prepared for an hour you do not expect, which means being always ready for your Master’s return.  These demands on Peter are not his alone.  These demands are expected of each of us who has been called, chosen, and commissioned for loving service to God and our fellow servants.  Vigilance is required, not suggested.