Two novices will make their first profession of monastic vows on Friday, July 9 in the Saint Vincent Basilica. Archabbot Douglas R. Nowicki, O.S.B., of Saint Vincent Archabbey, will receive the first vows of Brother Linus T. Klucsarits and Brother Matthias Martinez. The two men have spent a year learning about the Benedictine order as novices. They will spend the next three years as junior monks, a period of reflection and monastic formation, at which time they can petition for solemn vows, which are a commitment to monastic vows for life.
Linus Klucsarits, O.S.B.
Brother Linus T. Klucsarits is the son of William and Alice Klucsarits of Allentown. He is a 1983 graduate of Allentown Central Catholic. He earned a bachelor of arts degree in philosophy from Saint Charles Seminary in 1987 and a master of arts degree in sign language interpreting from Gallaudet University in 1990. He is certified with the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf. He has two sisters, Ann Klucsarits of Arlington, Va., and Margaret Klucsarits Best of Vienna, Va., and two brothers, George, of Greenville, South Carolina, and David of Dallas, Texas.
Brother Matthias Martinez is the son of Edelmiro Martinez, Jr., and Lynda C. Martinez of Bernardston, Massachusetts. He is a 1993 graduate of Northfield Mt. Hermon High School. He earned a bachelor of arts degree in philosophy in 1999 from Saint John Seminary College, and has also studied at Babson College and Saint John Seminary. He has one sister, Janalyn Pentlow, of Astoria, New York.