

Two Profess Solemn Vows

Two junior monks who completed a year in the notivitiate and three years of temporary vows made their solemn profession of vows—or vows for life—as Benedictine monks on Sunday, July 11. They are Brother Anselm Zhang, O.S.B., of China, and Brother Gilbert Heater, O.S.B., of East Stroudsburg.

Brother Anselm is a 1993 graduate of Xingtai Huining High School. He studied marriage and family in 2013 at the International Theological Institute, Austria, and English and international communication in 2003 at Yantai Norman University, China. He earned an A.A. degree in international business from the School of Business, Peking University, China, in 1996 and an A.A. degree in applied English from North China Electric Power University in 1995. 

He entered the novitiate at Saint Vincent Archabbey on July 1, 2017 and professed simple vows on July 10, 2018. 

His assignments at the Archabbey have included assistant to the director of the Saint Vincent College bookstore (2018-2019), assistant to the director of vocations (2018-2019), assistant manager, Gristmill General Store and miller at the Saint Vincent Gristmill (2019-present).

Brother Gilbert is the son of Richard W. and Diane O. Heater of East Stroudsburg. He has three brothers, Nathaniel, Jered and Zephan. He studied at Lancaster Bible College, where he earned a bachelor of science degree in music composition in 2009. He also studied at Liberty University.

He entered the Benedictine monastic community of Saint Vincent Archabbey as a novice on July 1, 2017. He professed simple vows on July 10, 2018, and two months later began studies at Saint Vincent Seminary. 

He has been appointed socius of novices and postulants (2018-present), sacristan and assistant master of ceremonies (2018-present) for the monastic community.