Pentecost Sunday
John 20:19-23 June 12, 2011
Gospel Summary
On Pentecost Sunday we celebrate the wonderful good news that the risen Lord has richly endowed us with his Spirit, first of all to convince us of his victory over sin and death, and then to enable us to continue his work of salvation by our own love and concern for others.
As we can well imagine, the disciples were filled with fear and foreboding after the death of their master. But suddenly, Jesus is there among them, radiant with life. He shows them his terrible wounds, which have now become beautiful emblems of his love for them. He offers them his peace–that deep, calm, resonant sense of well-being, which is so different from their own fear and uncertainty. This peace becomes possible through the presence of his Spirit in them and in us.
And then Jesus tells them and all of us what possessing the Spirit will mean in our lives. Henceforth, we will need to be converted from our natural tendency to be self-centered, cautious and defensive to an attitude of confidence and trust as we share our newfound loving concern for others. This new way of living will be manifested first and foremost by our willingness to forgive others. This would be impossible if we did not enjoy the powerful presence of the Spirit who enables us to overcome our constant judgmental tendencies.
As fragile human beings, we know the experience of living in fear and of being anxious and worried about many things, some of which exist only in our imagination. Jesus, having absorbed the ultimate violence, offers us his peace and thereby enables us to be confident and joyful in the face of uncertainty and threat. This represents a real experience of liberation from the paralysis of fear–a paralysis that often prevents us from doing beautiful and risky things, like giving cut flowers! A potted plant may seem more practical and “safe” but cut flowers bear a stronger message of the “risk” of real love.
With the Spirit’s peace and joy comes the obligation to share our blessings with others. It was once thought that the command of Jesus to forgive or retain sins was addressed only to priests and referred only to the Sacrament of Reconciliation. But, in fact, this charge, in a less formal fashion, is undoubtedly addressed to all the followers of Jesus. We must all accept the wonderful and awesome responsibility of offering or withholding forgiveness. In this case, the sin of omission looms large and should make us all examine our consciences in regard to the many times that we may have persisted in the foolish comfort of nursing old injuries or have refused to make allowance for extenuating circumstances in the lives of those we call sinners.
In this regard, we should recall the very strong words of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount: “Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and the measure you give will be the measure you get” (Matthew 7:1-2). We all know how much we hope to have a merciful judge and now we also know how to assure that happy outcome.
It is, of course, very difficult to live such an ideal forgiveness. And that is why Jesus offers us the Holy Spirit who, if given half a chance, will empower us to become the kind of gentle, caring and compassionate persons that can make a real difference in a world that desperately needs the witness of love and forgiveness. Let us all rejoice in this wonderful gift of the Spirit.
Demetrius R. Dumm, OSB