PRN: A Prescription For Your Spirit, a day to care for the caregivers, will be held Saturday, March 18 in DiPadova Hall of Saint Vincent Seminary. The event is free for those working in the healthcare field; however, pre-registration is required.
Saint Vincent Archabbey Retreats director Father Shawn Matthew Anderson, O.S.B., pharmacist, biology faculty member and retreat director, and other health care professionals will lead a day of prayer, community and food.
Father Shawn notes: “Healthcare is stressful. No one is at their best when they are sick and hurt; and caring for the sick has been even more difficult the past few years. Compassion and understanding need to be recharged. Who cares for the caregiver? We do!”
Registration begins at 8:15. Event concludes with anointing of the “healing hands” at 2:30 p.m.
Guest medical professionals will lead discussions on challenges and stresses of the medical profession.
For further information email INFO@SAINTVINCENTRETREATS.ORG or call 724-805-2139.