

Pittsburgh Man Makes First Vows

After spending a year as a novice, Brother Sean Cooksey, O.S.B., of Pittsburgh, professed simple vows as a Benedictine monk before Archabbot Douglas R. Nowicki, O.S.B., on July 10, 2019 at Saint Vincent Archabbey, Latrobe, Pennsylvania. He will spend three years as a junior monk prior to making solemn profession of vows, or vows for life.


Brother Sean Cooksey is the son of Dr. Stephen Cooksey of Pittsburgh and Mary Frances Reidell of Pittsburgh. He has two brothers, Patrick of Colorado Springs and Daniel, of Seattle, and a sister, Erin Leet of Pittsburgh.

He is a 2006 graduate of Serra Catholic High School. He has studied at the Community College of Allegheny County and Wheeling Jesuit University, where he earned a bachelor of arts degree in history in 2011.

He entered the monastic community of Saint Vincent Archabbey as a novice in 2018, and made simple profession of vows on July 10, 2019.

Following his profession he has been assigned as socius of novices and postulants, sacristan and assistant master of ceremonies and assistant tailor in the tailor shop.

He will begin studies at Saint Vincent Seminary in the fall of 2019.