1Tm 6:2c-12; Ps 49:6-10,17-20; Lk 8:1-3
Saint Andrew Kim and all the martyrs of Korea give witness to the great works of the Lord. The seed of these faithful witnesses has given birth to a great crowd of witnesses throughout Korea and in the whole world. This uniquely gifted saints found their only comfort in prayer, and he lived his life in total dedication to the gift of the gospel. These saints continues to summon us to holiness so that we too might be blessed only because the Kingdom of heaven is ours. As Saint Paul promises Saint Timothy in our first reading, when we pursue virtue we find blessing. In today’s gospel even the Lord Jesus relied upon the charity of his followers for the necessities of daily living. Indeed, the Lord Jesus lived in Saints Andrew Kim Tae-gon, Paul Cong Hasang, and their companions, at every age.
Even at the time of Saint Paul and his disciple, Saint Timothy, there were confused and conceited religious teachers. Some rebels in every age have used religion as a means of gain, both financial and personal. However, Saint Paul makes it clear that true religion is about growth in virtue. Indeed, we are satisfied with the meanest and best of things; we are not attached to anything in this world. Indeed, like every faithful saint and martyr, every faithful Christian, we seek righteousness, devotion, faith, love patience, and gentleness. In these virtues will we be able to live a life of faith and an eternal life of boundless joy and gladness. Such is our experience here and now, and such is the fullness of future glory.
Before the Saint Paul and all the other Apostles began proclaiming the good news of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Lord Jesus himself journeyed from one town and village to another, and as he did so, he proclaimed the good news of the Kingdom of God already here and yet to come in fullness. His preaching was powerful and his ministry was full of miracles and signs. Many accompanied him, the Twelve, women who had been cured, Mary Magdalene from whom seven demons had been expelled, the wife of Herod’s steward, and Susanna. Many men and women supported his journey and ministry out of their resources. The Lord Jesus had some support during his public ministry, and those who had enjoyed his fellowship continued that ministry in the power of the Holy Spirit after he had been taken up into heaven. The Lord Jesus, in his being lifted up on the cross, in the resurrection, at the ascension, at the right hand of the Father, became the good news worth preaching boldly and even to witnessing by the pouring out of blood in martyrdom. Indeed, Saint Paul and many early witnesses did give themselves completely trusting that the same Lord Jesus would return for them and lift them up to glory with him at the right hand of the Father and in the power of the Holy Spirit.