
2024 Winter Saint Vincent Monks

The winter edition of Saint Vincent Monks magazine features the photography of Father Richard Chirichiello, O.S.B., an avid birder, who has captured photographs of birds throughout the region, including some rarely seen ones in western Pennsylvania. The Vocation Office trip to Rome this winter is on the cover, with more photos inside. Ordinations, vows, news from abroad, and forthcoming retreats are included in this issue. Father Stephen Concordia’s work on translating Gregorian chant books is noted with the publication of two of his works. Archbishop Bernard Hebda’s Red Mass homily provides food for thought. The Sunset at the Barn event returned this fall, to benefit the Archabbey. The forthcoming visit of Bishop Elias Lorenzo, O.S.B., on the Feast of Saint Benedict, was also announced. Oblate programming, news of monks, and more items of interest are inside.