
2023 Summer Saint Vincent Monks: Brothers Together As One

The summer issue of Saint Vincent Monks Magazine features news of ordinations to the priesthood and diaconate in both the United States and abroad. Several long-serving monks of the Archabbey have retired from work, primarily in the educational apostolates. A feature story on one of the apostolates where Saint Vincent Benedictines serve, Saint Gregory the Great Parish in Virginia Beach, is included in this issue, as is a story on one of Saint Vincent’s monk-artisans, Father Thomas More Sikora, O.S.B., who does bookbinding. Prior Father Killian Loch, O.S.B., and Brother Bosco Hough, O.S.B., traveled with a group of pilgrims to walk the Camino trail in Spain, and Father Killian’s account appears in this issue. News and photos of monastic activities also fills the pages.