
2021 Summer Saint Vincent Monks: Brothers Together As One

The summer 2021 edition of Saint Vincent Monks features the ordination of two new priests, four new deacons, five professions of vows and the arrival of four new novices. In addition to the many new faces, the Archabbey has a new prior, Father Killian Loch, as well as a new subprior, Father Joseph Adams, and a new formation team. The Archabbey Retreat program went online for 2021, and five Benedictines received degrees from the seminary. The book Always Forward received some good reviews as well as an award, and the translation of the book on Boniface Wimmer also received a nice review. News of monks included reception of an honorary degree for Brother Norman Hipps, former college president, as well as news from Brother Bruno Heisey, Father Matthew Lambert, Brother Anselm Zhang, Father James Podlesney, Father Michael Antonacci, Father Nathanael Polinski, Father Jude Brady, Brother Gilbert Heater, Father Isaac Haywiser, Father Shawn Matthew Anderson, Father Rene Kollar and Brother Mark Floreanini. Father Vincent Crosby designed a new statue of Saint Vincent de Paul for the Archabbey Basilica and some photographs of its progress are included. Bishop Larry Kulick visited the Basilica Parish and celebrated the feast of Saint Benedict Mass. Jubilarians, new appointments and other news is included.