
2003 Summer Heart to Heart

This issue remembers the late Fred Rogers and his relationship with Saint Vincent Archabbey and Archabbot Douglas R. Nowicki, O.S.B. Father Lee R. Yoakam, O.S.B., is a military chaplain, called up again after a stint in Afghanistan in 2002. Jubilarians for 2003 are featured, as are the ordinations of Brian Boosel, O.S.B., Thomas Curry, O.S.B., and Cajetan Homick, O.S.B., to the priesthood. The Gristmill’s video received an award, and an article features Brother Bruno Heisey, O.S.B., who went from a job at the Cumberland County Courthouse to the life of a Benedictine monk. The Saint Vincent Fire Department marked an anniversary, as did the Summerhill parish of Saint John.