Isaac (Paul) Haywiser, O.S.B., was ordained to the priesthood on May 2 by Most Rev. Lawrence E. Brandt, J.C.D., Ph.D., Bishop of Greensburg. Ordained to the diaconate on May 3, 2014, he was assigned to Saint Louise de Marillac Parish in Upper Saint Clair for his deacon year.
The son of Mark and Ellen Haywiser of Bethel Park, he is a 2005 graduate of Bethel Park High School, Bethel Park. He earned a bachelor of science degree in 2009 in management from Saint Vincent College.
He entered the novitiate of Saint Vincent Archabbey in 2009 and made simple professon of monastic vows on July 9, 2010. He made solemn profession of vows on July 11, 2013.
His service to the Archabbey includes assistant to the manager, Gristmill General Store (2010-2011), assistant in the summer retreat program (2010-2012) and assistant director, Archabbey guests and guest facilities (2010-2014). From 2013-2014 he served as assistant to the director, Archabbey finances and investments as well as sacristan and assistant master of ceremonies. He has also worked as assistant to the director at the Saint Vincent College bookstore (2011-2014).
To view photos of the ordination, click here.