Feast of the Holy Family, Classic
Luke 2:22–40 Gospel Summary Today’s gospel reading about the presentation of the child Jesus in the temple is most suitable for the feast of the
Luke 2:22–40 Gospel Summary Today’s gospel reading about the presentation of the child Jesus in the temple is most suitable for the feast of the
Sirach 3: 2 – 6, 12 – 14; Collosians 3: 12 – 21; Gospel Luke 2: 22 – 40 This celebration of the Holy Family
Luke 2: 1–14 Gospel Summary In the gospel passage for Mass at Midnight we hear the Christmas story from the Gospel of Luke. It is
Lectionary 16 “O God, who wonderfully created the dignity of human nature and still more wonderfully restored it; grant, we pray, that we may share
Luke 1: 26–38 Gospel Summary On the carefully programmed Advent journey to Christmas, the Fourth Sunday belongs to Mary. This is so because Christmas, which
Lectionary 13 This year the last Sunday of Advent falls on Christmas Eve; to accommodate this coincidence I chose to reflect on the scripture readings
Isaiah 61: 1 – 2A, 10 – 11, I Thes 5:16-24, Jn 1: 6-8, 19-28 The Third Sunday of Advent is known as Gaudate Sunday.
John 1: 6–8, 19–28 Gospel Summary The gospel passage tells us about a man named John who was sent by God to testify to the
Mark 1: 1–8 Gospel Summary At the very outset, Mark declares his gospel to be the “good news.” He dares to say this in a
Isaiah 40; 1-5, 9-11, 2 Peter 3:8-14, Mark 1: 1 – 8 On this second Sunday of Advent John the Baptist makes an appearance and
Lectionary 689 On today’s feast of the Immaculate Conception it is important to remember what exactly we are celebrating: that the Blessed Virgin Mary was
Luke 1: 26–38 Gospel Summary: Theologians often make a distinction between “high” Christology, which emphasizes the divine nature of Jesus, and “low” Christology, which emphasizes
Isaiah 63:16 – 17, 19; 64: 2 – 7, I Corinthians 1:3 – 9, Mark 13; 33 – 37 We begin Advent with the same
Mark 13: 33–37 Gospel Summary In this gospel passage Jesus illustrates the mystery of his future, final coming in power and glory with a simple
Matthew 25: 31-46 Gospel Summary Today’s selection from the gospel of Matthew is very appropriate for the feast of Christ the King because it portrays
Lectionary 160 In the Gospels Jesus uses the image of a kingdom many times to illustrate what the new life which he came to inaugurate
Matthew 25: 14-30 Gospel Summary Jesus tells his disciples this parable: A man going on a journey calls his servants and entrusts his possessions to
Prv 31: 10-13, 19-20, 30-31, 1 Thes 5:1-6, Mt 25: 14-30 In two weeks we begin the Advent Season, and we end the church year
Matthew 25: 1-13 Gospel Summary In chapters 24 and 25, which precede the Passion story, Matthew describes the end of the world and offers various
Lectionary 154 In November, as the leaves fall from the trees, as the days become shorter and darker, and as we observe All Souls Day
Saint Vincent Archabbey
300 Fraser Purchase Rd
Latrobe, PA 15650
(724) 539-9761