The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
Sirach 3: 2 – 6, 12 – 14 Collosians 3: 12 – 21 Gospel Luke 2: 22 – 40 This celebration of the Holy Family
Sirach 3: 2 – 6, 12 – 14 Collosians 3: 12 – 21 Gospel Luke 2: 22 – 40 This celebration of the Holy Family
Lectionary 16 “O God, who wonderfully created the dignity of human nature and still more wonderfully restored it; grant, we pray, that we may share
2 Samuel 7; 1 – 5, 8B – 12, 14A, 16 Gospel Luke 1; 26 – 38 On the Fourth and last Sunday of Advent
Isaiah 61: 1 – 2A, 10 – 11 I Thes 5:16-24 Jn 1: 6-8, 19-28 The Third Sunday of Advent is known as Gaudate Sunday.
Lectionary 689 On today’s feast of the Immaculate Conception it is important to remember what exactly we are celebrating: that the Blessed Virgin Mary was
Matthew 3:1-12 Gospel Summary: Today we hear once again the impatient voice of John the Baptist urging us to change so that we may be
Matthew 24:37-44 Gospel Summary Jesus tells his disciples that they cannot know the day their Lord is coming. They must be prepared because that coming
The feast of Christ the King has a long history in various countries of Europe but only came to its current prominence throughout the universal
In two weeks we begin the Advent Season, and each year, as we near the end of the Church Year and prepare for the beginning
Luke 20:27-38 Gospel Summary Some Sadducees, denying belief in resurrection, pose a hypothetical question to Jesus about seven brothers who, after each other’s death, marry
Luke 19:1-10 Gospel Summary Jesus has now arrived at Jericho and so his long journey to Jerusalem is almost over. He has been modeling for
An interesting contrast presents itself in this Sunday’s scriptures: in the second reading, from the Second Letter to Timothy, Saint Paul uses the image of
Luke 18: 1-8 This parable would make a great plot for a made for television movie. We have a widow who goes up against a
Luke 17:11-19 Gospel Summary Jesus, continuing his journey to Jerusalem, comes upon ten lepers, and from a distance hears their plea for help, “Jesus, Master!
Luke 17:5-10 Gospel Summary: Luke is still leading us toward Jerusalem, the place where we turn everything over to God. In the verses that precede
Amos is arguably the earliest of the great prophets whose names are given to books of the Old Testament. He was an older contemporary of
The passage this weekend is known as The Parable of the Dishonest Steward. A steward was responsible for the management of his master’s possessions. It
Luke 15:1-32 Gospel Summary The Pharisees and scribes are complaining that Jesus is a companion of tax collectors and sinners: “This man welcomes sinners and
Luke 14:25-33 Gospel Summary Luke was a native of the ancient city of Antioch in Syria. This was a major trading center where the inhabitants
Today’s readings clearly direct our attention to the importance of being generous and charitable to all, especially to the poor. The great sage Jesus ben-Sira
Saint Vincent Archabbey
300 Fraser Purchase Rd
Latrobe, PA 15650
(724) 539-9761