Heart to Heart, the magazine of Saint Vincent Archabbey, won a third place Catholic Press Association Award in 2017 for General Excellence, Religious Order Magazine. This is the fourth consecutive year the magazine has received this honor. Heart to Heart has also earned CPA awards for best cover, 2014, third place, for the Saint Vincent Fire cover designed by Jordan Hainsey and a third place, 2006, for the best issue on the papal transition for the tribute to Pope John Paul II.
“Color photography on glossy paper makes subjects and images real and memorable,” the judges wrote. “Stories are straight news style throughout without breaking pace or injecting a sense of feature storytelling. The winter issue special papal visit section has a keepsake yearbook sort of feel which is likely welcome for readers.An informative, newsy look from Saint Vincent Archabbey. Good storytelling throughout, but I especially liked the ‘local’ news cluster at the start of each edition. It made me feel like I was part of the congregation.”
The magazine is edited by Kim Metzgar, director of Archabbey and Seminary Public Relations.
Metzgar, of Derry, has bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Seton Hill University, and has directed the Archabbey and Seminary Public Relations Office since 1997. It is the seventh award for her work from CPA, including a 2006 CPA book award for design and production for Saint Vincent Basilica: 100 Years; in addition to her editorial work on book award winners in 2006, Renewed Each Morning, and in 2015, The Sunday Homilies. The Archabbey’s publications have received a total of nine national Catholic Press Awards under her direction.