Fifteen Benedictines of Saint Vincent Archabbey will celebrate anniversaries of their professions or ordinations in 2004, marking a combined 660 years of service.
They are Father Paulinus J. Selle, O.S.B., of St. Marys, who is celebrating 70 years of vows on July 2; Father Clement Heid, O.S.B., of Erie, and Father Louis Sedlacko, O.S.B., of Hostetter, who will mark the 60th anniversary of their ordinations on June 11; and Father Omer U. Kline, O.S.B., of Hastings, and Father Alphonse Meier, O.S.B., of St. Marys, who will celebrate 60 years in vows on July 2.
Three monks will mark the 50th anniversary of their ordinations on May 22, Father Noel Rothrauff of Wilkinsburg, Father Joachim Fatora of Blairsville and Father Daniel Wolfel of St. Marys, while Father Benjamin Walker, O.S.B., of Norfolk, Virginia, will celebrate 50 years in vows on July 2.
Four Benedictines celebrating the 25th anniversary of their ordinations on May 19 are Father Damian Warnock of Pittsburgh, Father Eric Vogt of St. Marys, Father Chad Ficorilli of McKeesport and Father Ronald Gatman of Covington, Kentucky. Marking 25 years in vows on July 10 will be Father Mark Gruber, O.S.B., of West Mifflin and Father Frank Ziemkiewicz, O.S.B., of Schenectady, New York.