Father Brian David Boosel, O.S.B., has been named Assistant to the Archabbot and Archivist of Saint Vincent Archabbey. He will also serve as Master of Ceremonies for the Archabbot.
He attended Butler Catholic Elementary School and Butler Area Senior High School, where he graduated in 1992. He received a bachelor of arts degree in history from Saint Vincent College in 1996 and was a graduate student in history at Slippery Rock University from 1996 to 1997. He earned the master of divinity degree from Saint Vincent Seminary in 2002.
As a college student he was named to “Who’s Who Among American Colleges and Universities” and received the Student Government Service Award in 1996. He was a four-year member of the Saint Vincent College Student Government Association and was president of the Saint Vincent College Student Government from 1995 to 1996. He earned the master of divinity degree from Saint Vincent Seminary in 2002. He served as vice president of the Seminary’s Student Association in 2001-2002.
He made his first profession of monastic vows on July 10, 1998, and solemn profession of vows on July 11, 2001. He was ordained to the diaconate on July 13, 2002 and served his deacon internship at Saint Peter Parish, Pittsburgh. He was ordained to the priesthood on May 17, 2003, by Bishop Anthony G. Bosco of Greensburg.
In 1998 he was named assistant archivist of the Saint Vincent Archabbey Archives and assistant master of ceremonies. He served as socius of novices in the Archabbey Formation Program (1999-2003) and as Director of Sacristies from 2000 to 2002. From 2003-2007 he was Director of Campus Ministry at Saint Vincent College. He has also served as Director of Archabbey Publications since 2003. In 2004 he was named as an adjunct faculty member at Saint Vincent Seminary. In 2005 he became a Benedictine Resident in Wimmer Hall.
A son of Ralph L. Boosel of Butler and the late Jean Boosel, his brothers are Jason A. Boosel of Prospect, Pa., and Adam C. Boosel of Butler.