Archabbot Martin de Porres Bartel, O.S.B., will receive the solemn vows of Brother Placid Sellers, O.S.B., or vows for life, on the Feast of Saint Benedict, July 11 at 10 a.m.
Brother Placid, of Penn Hills, is the son of the late Philip L. and Emmeline M. Sellers. Born on September 18, 1957, he has one brother, David A. Sellers of Portland, Oregon.
He graduated from Penn Hills Senior High School in 1975, and from Edinboro University with a bachelor of fine arts degree in communication graphics in 1979.
He entered the monastic community of Saint Vincent Archabbey as a novice on July 1, 2016. He made simple profession of monastic vows on July 10, 2017.
His assignments have included assistant director, Archabbey media productions, Office of Archabbey Public Relations (2017-present); videographer, Archabbey Publications (2017-present); and assistant to the director of vocations (2017-present). In 2018 he began teaching on the faculty of Saint Vincent College.
Brother Placid’s past work experience has been in photography, video production and graphic design. He was a video producer, show creator, producer and host, graphic designer and photographer at Cornerstone Television Network (2000-2005, 2008-2016); news promotions producer, editor, animator and graphic artist at KDKA-TV, CBS Pittsburgh (2006-2008); director, graphic productions, Covenant Church of Pittsburgh (1994-2000); and director-manager, facility designer of the Medical Media Department, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh (1987-1994). He was a medical photographer and illustrator for Montefiore Hospital, Oakland (1984-1987) and for Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh (1981-1984).
He received a Mid-Atlantic Emmy Award in 2007 for outstanding promotion, news and program campaign for KDKA-TV; three Crystal Awards of Excellence for work done in Baghdad, Iraq; and one Crystal Award of Excellence for a memorial music video in honor of the crew of the Space Shuttle Columbia tragedy.
The event will be broadcast live at this link: