

Brother Martinho Ordained Deacon

Brother Martinho Zevallos (Chávez), O.S.B., was ordained to the diaconate on July 15, by Archbishop Airton José dos Santos in Brazil. He is the son of Luis Ariel Zevallos Perez and Teresa Sara Chávez de Zevallos of Arequipa, Peru. Archabbot Douglas traveled to São Bento Priory for the ordination Mass.

A monk of São Bento Priory, Brother Martinho has been a student at Saint Vincent Seminary since 2012. He graduated from Coronel Gregorio Albarracin, Tacna, Peru, in 1989 and received a bachelor’s degree from the University of San Agustin, Arequipa, Peru, in 1995. He also has a doctorate in physics from the University of São Paulo, Brazil, 2003.

At Saint Vincent he has served in the Foreign Mission Office as well as an assistant to the prior.

He is pictured with Archbishop dos Santos at top, right, and middle, with Archbishop dos Santos and Archabbot Douglas.