Brother Elliott C. Maloney, O.S.B., a monk and professor of New Testament and Biblical Languages at Saint Vincent Seminary, has received an honorable mention award from The Catholic Press Association for his book, Saint Paul, Master of the Spiritual Life “in Christ.” The book received the recognition in the category Scripture: Academic Studies. It is the result of more than 40 years of teaching about Saint Paul.
Judges noted that “This book reveals Paul, his life and his teacing in a way that is bound to deeply affect the reader. Through the scholarly work of Maloney, readers will come to understand Paul and his writings in a way that will profoundly enrich their spiritual lives ‘in Christ’.”
Copies of the book, published by Liturgical Press, are available at the Basilica Gift Shop as well as online at Cost is $24.95.
Brother Elliott, a member of the Benedictine monastic community at Saint Vincent since 1965, has taught Biblical languages as well as courses on Saint Vincent Seminary and Saint Vincent College since 1976. At the Seminary, he teaches primarily about Saint Paul, the Synoptic Gospels, and the Gospel of Mark, which was the topic of a previous book.
A Pittsburgh native, Brother Elliott had the concept for a book on Saint Paul in 2007-2008, and the idea for structure of the book came together following a study semester abroad in 2008. His travels included trips to Rome, Brazil, Africa, and Jamaica.
Brother Elliott received a bachelor of arts degree in philosophy from Saint Vincent College in 1968, and attended Saint Vincent Seminary from 1968–1969. He earned a licentiate of Sacred Theology from the Pontifical Atheneum of Sant’ Anselmo, Rome, in 1972, and a Ph.D. in New Testament studies from Fordham University in 1979.