

BC Has New ‘Father Frank Way’

Benedictine Military School (BC) in Savannah, an apostolate of Saint Vincent Archabbey, announces that the new front driveway at Benedictine has been named “Father Frank Way” in honor of our beloved Headmaster. Father Frank has been the guiding force behind Benedictine since the summer of 2007. We are grateful for your leadership and steadfast guidance over the last 16 years. Forward, Always Forward!
A visionary leader is one who inspires people to unite together towards a common goal and that is exactly what Father Frank has done at Benedictine Military School. In his 16th year of service to BC, Father Frank has been the guiding force behind the transformation of BC.
Father Frank’s connection to BC dates back six decades. He received a commission in the Army’s engineer branch in 1971 through ROTC and served on active duty in Germany from 1972 to 1974 and at Fort Stewart, Georgia from 1975 to 1978, 3rd Engineer Battalion where he had a company command and the Corps of Engineers. During his time at Fort Stewart, Father Frank was introduced to Benedictine Military School when the current BC Headmaster, Father Connan, would visit the Hinesville area to say Mass. Father Frank was ultimately led to join the seminary at Saint Vincent Archabbey in Latrobe,  which is just an hour east of his home in Pittsburgh. Saint Vincent is also the home abbey of Benedictine’s monks.
Father Frank was ordained a priest in 1984, and served as Director of the Physical Plant at Saint Vincent (1984-19994) and Dean of Students (1994-1999), and then as a pastor in St. Mary’s, PA (1999-2007) before joining BC. As a reserve officer, he served two tours from July of 2005 to January 2006 when he was deployed to Afghanistan serving principally in the Kandahar region. Later in January and through June, he was assigned to the Multi-National Corps–Iraq, Chaplain’s Office, Baghdad where he served as the senior priest in country. His distinguished military career prepared him well to lead Benedictine.
Prior to Father Frank’s arrival on July 15, 2007, Benedictine Military School was in a much different place. The school needed some significant upgrades to the facilities, both academic and athletic, and it needed to grow its endowment. Father Frank began dreaming about the future of BC and asking the question, “What should Benedictine look like in 2020?” That question was the spark that lit the fire for the Forward, Always Forward Capital Campaign.
As BC celebrates the success of the campaign and the leadership of its beloved Headmaster, the front driveway of the school has been renamed “Father Frank Way”. A new street sign has been installed which is topped with a bronze wool cap, a signature of Father Frank.