Two publications of Saint Vincent Archabbey have received national awards from the Catholic Press Association in 2015.
The Sunday Homilies, Saint Vincent Archabbey, Cycle B, by Father Campion P. Gavaler, O.S.B., and the late Father Demetrius R. Dumm, O.S.B., received a first place book award in the category Scripture: Popular Studies. The judges’ commentary noted:
“In this book, two fine scholars write simple, practical homily reflections for every Sunday of the Liturgical year. Each homily reflection provides a concise, insightful summary of the Gospel, obviously the fruit of years of study and contemplation of the passage! Each reflection also includes a wise life application that truly enables the Sunday Gospel to be lived in the ordinary moments of life that occur every day of the week. The insights into the human heart provided in the Life Implication section of each chapter are profound. There are no excess words, which provides an example for homilists.”
Father Demetrius (1923-2013), a former rector and professor of Scripture at Saint Vincent Seminary in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, was the author of Flowers in the Desert: A Spirituality of the Bible, Cherish Christ Above All: The Bible in the Rule of Saint Benedict, A Mystical Portrait of Jesus, New Perspectives on John’s Gospel, Praying the Scriptures, and So We Do Not Lose Heart: Biblical Wisdom for All Our Days. In addition to studies at Saint Vincent Seminary, Father Demetrius earned a Doctor of Sacred Theology Degree from the Pontifical Institute of Sant’ Anselmo, Rome.
Father Campion studied at Saint Vincent Seminary, Notre Dame, and received a S.T.L. degree from Sant’ Anselmo in Rome. His article “Theology of the Sermon as Part of the Mass” (Worship March 1964) explains that the puropse of a homily is to convey the good news of the Lord’s presence to redeem our present situation — however hopeless it may appear to be. He taught theology at Saint Vincent College and Seminary, and was visiting professor at Penn State and Seton Hill. He also has served as academic dean, provost, and acting president of Saint Vincent College.
Kim Metzgar, director of Archabbey and Seminary Public Relations, received, for the second consecutive year, a third place national award for general excellence, religious order magazines for Heart to Heart, the publication of Saint Vincent Archabbey. The judges’ commentary noted:
“Good summary of news and announcements. Good photos. The Benedictines of Saint Vincent Archabbey present their lives and works in a large format magazine of high quality photos and well written stories from the archabbey. A photo of each monk accompanies a news item regarding him. Longer profiles celebrate the artistic work of the abbey community. The issue on the canonization of John XXIII and John Paul II was particularly excellent.”
Metzgar, of Derry, has bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Seton Hill University, and has directed the Archabbey and Seminary Public Relations Office since 1997. It is the fourth award for her work from CPA, in addition to her editorial work on a book award winner in 2006. The Archabbey’s publications have received a total of seven national Catholic Press Awards under her direction.
The three-volume collection of Sunday homilies of Father Demetrius and Father Campion has now been completed with the publication on July 1 of Cycle C and Cycle A.
The books contain reflections from the popular Sunday Homilies that had been on numerous websites, and appeared in newspaper columns, including The Catholic Accent of the Diocese of Greensburg and Jednota, the newspaper of the First Catholic Slovak Union.
All books, in paperback, retail for $12.95 and are available on Orders can also be mailed to Archabbey Publications, 300 Fraser Purchase Rd., Latrobe, PA 15650, and should include $3 for shipping and handling.