

2020 Winter Saint Vincent Monks

This issue of Saint Vincent Monks includes events from July of 2020 through the end of the year. This includes the installation of Archabbot Martin de Porres Bartel, O.S.B., as the twelfth archabbot of Saint Vincent by Bishop Edward Malesic, with excerpts from the bishop’s homily.

It also includes profession of first vows for Brother Francisco, profession of solemn vows for Brother Placid, news of ordinations, and news of the good works of the Archabbey and its monks. The cover was drawn by Father Vincent de Paul Crosby, O.S.B., and delineates the Saint Vincent “family tree” after Boniface Wimmer arrived in North America in 1846. The Archabbey and its related apostolates will mark 175 years since its founding in 2021.

Visit this link to see the issue: