The Saint Vincent Archabbey retreat schedule for 2014 has been released.
Benedictine Spirituality Retreat
Dipping into Benedictine Spirituality–
Plunging into Baptism
Rev. Warren Murrman, O.S.B.
May 16-18, 2014
The Holy Rule of Saint Benedict suggests that the monastic life is an opportunity to live one’s baptismal commitment in a more intense way. Living according to the spirit of the Rule can serve as a good model for constantly rediscovering the catechumenal, baptismal, Spirit-filled characteristics of Christian life as a life of person-in-community. The retreat reflections will invite the participants to “dip again” into the life-giving waters of our identity with Christ.
Retreat master Father Warren Murrman O.S.B., has been a professor of theology and liturgy at Saint Vincent Seminary since 1969, and directs the Liturgy Committee at Saint Vincent Archabbey. He holds a doctor of sacred theology degree from the University of Munich and a diploma in liturgical science from the Liturgical Institute in Trier, Germany.
Silent Retreat
The Mystery of Jesus’ Parables
Rev. Wulfstan Clough, O.S.B.
May 23-25, 2014
We are all familiar with the parables of Jesus. But few of us realize what they would have meant to an audience of Jesus’ time. In this retreat we will closely examine several of Jesus’ parables, looking at these original meanings and how they add depth, meaning and spiritual significance to the stories we think we know well. We will also examine how these deeper meanings affect our view of Jesus’ message and what He was saying to us.
Retreat master Father Wulfstan Clough, O.S.B., has degrees from the University of Delaware, the University of Notre Dame and Saint Vincent Seminary. He is an associate professor of English at Saint Vincent College.
Retreat Weekend
Rev. Aaron Buzzelli, O.S.B.
May 23-25, 2014
This retreat is designed as a quiet self-directed retreat weekend. There are no formal conferences. There are opportunities to attend Mass and to pray with the monastic community. Father Aaron Buzzelli, O.S.B., and others will provide opportunities for spiritual direction on request.
Father Aaron Buzzelli, O.S.B., is director of spiritual life at Saint Vincent Seminary. He has studied at Saint Vincent Seminary and Cornell University and has done graduate work in biochemistry and physiology. His parish work has included work in parishes in Johnstown, Russellton, Trauger, Youngstown and Whitney.
A Retreat of Charismatic Prayer, June 22-24
The Sword of the Spirit, Which Is The Word of God (Ephesians 6:17): Weapon For Holiness
Rev. John-Mary Tompkins, O.S.B.
June 6-8, 2014
The call to holiness is rooted in the Word of God, a Word that needs to be sown, a Word that prunes and purifies, and a Word which yields a great harvest in the lives of saints. This charismatic retreat invites you to continue your journey of faith and to bask in and reflect upon the Word, and experience a new release of the Holy Spirit on this Pentecost weekend!
Vice rector and director of field education at Saint Vincent Seminary, Father John-Mary Tompkins, O.S.B., has served in parish ministry and has also served as a hospital chaplain. A former military police officer, he is a graduate of West Point. He also has a master of arts degree in systematic theology.
Men’s Retreat
Enriching Faith Through the Sacraments
Rev. Thomas Acklin, O.S.B.
July 18-20, 2014
In this retreat we will consider the seven sacraments of the Catholic Church, especially Eucharist and Reconciliation. We will seek to enrich our faith lives by a fuller participation in the sacraments. In the words of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, “They not only presuppose faith, but by words and objects they also nourish, strengthen and express it. That is why they are called sacraments of faith.”
Father Thomas Acklin, O.S.B., is professor of theology at Saint Vincent Seminary, where he also served two terms as rector. He is the author of two books, The Unchanging Heart of the Priesthood and The Passion of the Lamb, and he has given many retreats, especially to priests, Benedictines and members of contemplative religious orders.
Father Son Retreat
Family Prayer and Sanctifying Sundays
Father Boniface Hicks, O.S.B.
July 25-27, 2014
The Servant of God, Father Patrick Peyton, became famous for often repeating the memorable phrase, “The family that prays together stays together.” It is not just a clever phrase—it is a reality. On this retreat, we will explore ways of cultivating family prayer, particularly looking at ways that family prayer could help to fulfill God’s third commandment to “Keep Holy the Sabbath.” During the weekend, there will be opportunities for discussion and opportunities for fathers and sons to discuss together what we reflect on in the course of the retreat.
Father Boniface Hicks, O.S.B., was ordained to the priesthood in 2004. While completing his doctorate in computer science at Penn State University, he served as campus minister there. Since returning to Saint Vincent he has served as an adjunct faculty member at Saint Vincent College and assists with programming at WAOB Radio.