Feast of Saint Andrew, Apostle

Rm 10:9-18; Ps 19:8-11; Mt 4:18-22:   The laws, the decree, the precepts, the command, the fear, the ordinances of the LORD are all together the Word of the Lord, and that Word became flesh and dwells among us.  It is that Incarnate Word, who encountered Saint Andrew and his brother Saint Peter, and Saint John […]

Thursday of the Thirty-fourth Week in Ordinary Time

Rv 18:1-2,21-23;19:1-3, 9a; Ps 100:1b-2-5; Lk 21:20-28:  The priest invites us to Holy Communion with words similar to the Psalm refrain taken from the First Reading:  “Blessed are those who are called to the Supper of the Lamb.”  This call goes out to all the lands; everyone is invited to sing the joyful song of […]

Wednesday of the Thirty-fourth Week in Ordinary Time

Rv 15:1-4; Ps 98:1-9; Lk 21:12-19

:   The LORD is worthy of a new song.  His wondrous deeds and the victory of his holy arm inspire a song of praise never before heard.  This new song comes from hearts that are made new with the overwhelming joy of salvation.  In the sight of all the nations, […]

Tuesday of the Thirty-fourth Week in Ordinary Time

Rv 14:14-19; Ps 96:10-13; Lk 21:5-11:  The end of the world prevents the triumph of chaos. We need to have the LORD come and judge the earth.  If there is no end in sight we can easily despair, or we can endlessly avoid growth in virtue and true repentance from sin.  When the true King of […]

Monday of the Thirty-fourth Week in Ordinary Time

Rv 14:1-3,4b-5; Ps 24:1b-2,3-4ab,5,6; Lk 21:1-4:   In many ways it is desire that dominates our lives, even our spiritual lives.  The great saints of our church teach us to be detached from desires and attached to God alone.  Only when our needs are our desires are we truly free; when our desires are our […]

Friday of the Thirty-third Week in Ordinary Time

Rv 10:8-11; Ps 119:14, 24, 72, 103, 111, 131; Lk 19:45-48:  What is the joy of your heart? What is the joy of a human heart not damaged by sin or stained by deception?  The Lord Jesus has given us his mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary to answer this question.  Indeed, she was conceived without sin […]

Thanksgiving Day

Sir 50:22-24; Ps 138:1-5; 1Cor 1:3-9; Lk 17:11-19:  Who gives thanks today? We give thanks with all our hearts. We invest our deepest self in this day of thanksgiving because we are Eucharistic people.  We who give thanks, week by week, or day by day, we know how to celebrate thanksgiving.  Indeed, we Catholics have much to […]

Memorial of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Rv 4:1-11; Ps 150:1-6; Lk 19:11-28:  Nothing has breath without the divine breath. The Holy Spirit hovered over the chaos in the beginning and breathed life and peace upon the new earth. Since that moment everything that lives and breathes praises the LORD.  With all creation we are summoned to enter into the heart of […]

Tuesday of the Thirty-third Week in Ordinary Time

Rv 3:1-6,14-22; Ps 15:2-5; Lk 19:1-10:  We are on a journey of faith.  We have just enough light to take the next step on this journey.  Our light is faith, and we walk by faith not by sight.  We are on the way with the victor, the Lord Jesus Christ, and with him we will […]

Monday of the Thirty-third Week in Ordinary Time

Rv 1:1-4; 2:1-5; Ps 1:1-6; Lk 18:35-43:  All the saints were like trees planted near running water.  It was the refreshing water of the Holy Spirit that moved them to deep compassion in Christ through out a life of profound prayer and loving service.  Some of these saints could have had the life of luxury, […]

Memorial of Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, Religious

3Jn 5-8

; Ps 112:1-6

; Lk 18:1-8

:  Indeed, the witness of all the saints confronts the foolishness of those who seek beauty and power in this world without seeking The Source of all beauty and power.  True wisdom enables such a search to bear fruit, a fruit that will last through centuries of violence and foolishness.  […]

Friday of the Thirty-second Week in Ordinary Time

2 Jn 4-9; Ps 119:1, 2,10,11,17,18; Lk 17:26-37

:  During an encounter with a blind man, the Lord Jesus asked him, “What do you want me to do for you?” Does this man stand in for all men and women?  Are we all blind in one way or another?  Or perhaps we are just sight impaired?  Do […]

Thursday of the Thirty-second Week in Ordinary Time

Phin 7-20; Ps 146:7-10; Lk 17:20-25:  We must discover the strength of the LORD who secures justice for the oppressed and gives food to the hungry.  To those who were captive by fear and easily manipulated in every country on earth someone had to set them free.  The LORD’s tenderness in raising up those who […]

Wednesday of the Thirty-second Week in Ordinary Time

Ti 3:1-7; Ps 23:1-6; Lk 17:11-19

:  This is the deepest desire of every soul.  We long to dwell in the house of the LORD.  When anyone comes along and threatens our peaceful dwelling with the LORD, we resist with great strength.  Like a good shepherd, we must walk into the dark valley of our own […]

Memorial of Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini, Virgin

Ti 2:1-8,11-14; Ps 37:3,4,18, 23,27,29
 Lk 17:7-10:  Saint Frances Cabrini and her sisters lived in faithful response to the word of the Lord.  By their exemplary lifestyle they proclaimed the glory of God, and even to our own day, their voice resounds and to the ends of the world, their message.  At her canonization on […]

Memorial of Saint Josaphat, bishop and martyr

Ti 1:1-9

; Ps 24:1-6; Lk 17:1-6

:  Perhaps we need to ask the question: am I someone who longs to see the face of the LORD?  Another important question that arises from lectio upon Psalm 24 is: do I desire what is vain?  The LORD rewards our service; indeed, the opportunity to serve is already a […]

Memorial of Saint Leo the Great, Pope and Doctor of the Church

Phil 4:10-19; Ps 112:1-9; Lk 16:9-15

:  The LORD will exalt those who blow the trumpet at the new moon, on our feast.  Those who play before the LORD are lifted up in jubilation.  Only those who fear the LORD shall be exalted in glory.  Only those who greatly delight in his commands shall be exalted […]

Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome

Ez 47:1,2,8,9,12; Ps 46:2,3,5,6,8,9; 1Cor 3:9-11,16-17; Jn 2:13-22:  The Church today needs a refuge and strength.  There may not be earthquakes or volcanoes in the city of Rome, but there is ever-present danger for the Church, the Body of Christ.  In celebrating the dedication of the Lateran Basilica, the mother church of the Latin Rite, […]

Thursday of the Thirty-first Week in Ordinary Time

Phil 3:3-8; Ps 105:2-7; Lk 15:1-10:  With hearts that rejoice in the LORD we search for him and for his will in our lives.  Our searching is not in vain and our singing is not mere noise.  We proclaim all his wondrous deeds.  He has been and still is working out his marvelous will in […]